I had the most incredible day...a perfect day of sunshine up on Dakota Ridge. Warm temperatures, clear skies, and views that you just can't beat. Oh, and did I mention 285cm of snow? That's almost 10 feet!
I know I've posted about Dakota before, but this was what it is all about. Clear skies, sunny and warm. My friend Kelly and I set out on the western snowshoe trail first. The live view is better than the pics, but this is looking west across the Salish Sea to Vancouver Island and its snow covered peaks in the distance.
Rested and fed (with sandwiches & wraps from Strait Coffee), we headed off on the eastern trail. This picture is part of 13km of groomed XC ski trails with the Salish Sea in the distance.
Along this trail, I soon found a familiar sight. I am lucky enough to look at the North Shore Mountains every day from my deck. Here in the distance, is the same view...just from a vantage point 1,200 meters higher. A bit further up the trail, you could see all the way to Mt Baker in Washington.
No time to waste if you want to see Dakota Ridge for yourself this year. The area is set to officially close for the season on April 3. Get out there and have some winter fun!